
Prefabricated Dormitories from Fuunzo

The lifespan of container type houses is 30 years and the prefabricated dormitories(same as modular dormitories) can be relocated at least 20 times. Comparing with the normal kitset house, the capability of insulation has been improved a lot. Considering the possibility of recycling and savings on air-conditioning and heating during the whole lifespan, most of China Construction Sites have started to use it to replace the other type temporary buildings. 

Fuunzo, as one of the leading prefabricated construction conpamies in China, has led the effort to the industrialized prefabricated house in 1999. Along with the development of China's building materials manufacture and application, Fuunzo has grown up and become the biggest manufacturer of modules and parts of Prefabricated Pre-finished Volumetric Construction (PPVC) building. 

Prefabricated Dormitories

